Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Whole Site Dedicated to the Ampersand!

A whole blog dedicated to one of my favorite characters and I hope one of yours as well. If it isn't it will be after this.

Another Great Blog!

Blogs are great! Another interesting contribution from one of your classmates. Apparently it as a designer who posts a beautiful capital letter everyday. An inspiration for finding great type around us. Here is a great example of a lovely uppercase B.

Monday, September 28, 2009

An Interesting Website

Hello Classes, here is an interesting website about typeface sharing that one of my friends made me aware of. It looks like a great place to learn about different typefaces and type identification.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Readings & Lectures

You may have noticed that the blog postings have changed a little bit. Due to privacy and copyright issues I have placed our lectures and readings on ANGEL. You will find what you need under your specific class listing, and the folders for the lectures and readings will be in the LESSONS section. I'm still trying to figure out ANGEL so please let me know if things are working. I will probably only use ANGEL for the purposes of posting the readings and lectures. All other administrative things will happen somewhere else. I will still be using the blog however to post interesting findings, books, and websites. I'm hoping to get some pictures of work up soon! So keep watching.

Design in Buenos Aires

One of your classmates, Andrea Zagata is attending a very interesting design conference in Buenos Aires this week. She is blogging about her experience there and I thought I would share it with you. Enjoy!

Monday, September 21, 2009

GD 1_LECTURE 4: Introduction to Informal Composition

Hello once again. Here is the lecture for Informal Composition. You should pair this will the reading about Gestalt to have a better understanding of informal composition.

To view the lecture please visit the ANGEL page corresponding to our class

Thursday, September 17, 2009

An Interesting Typographic Find

Here is an interesting find by one of your classmates. You'll have to ignore the dirty name of the website, and really pay attention to the typographic expressions. Good find Matt!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

GD 1_LECTURE 3: Introduction to Formal Composition

Here is a helpful lecture on formal composition. This should help in understanding the concepts of translation, rotation, reflection and dilation.

To view the lecture please visit the ANGEL page corresponding to our class

Monday, September 14, 2009

GD1_READINGS - Formal and Informal Compositions

Here are some helpful readings about Formal and Informal compositions. There is also a reading on Gestalt theory that might help in the coming stages of the 500 project.

To view the reading please visit the ANGEL page corresponding to our class

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Better Signs of Trouble

An interesting article from the NY Times about the graphic representation of the Homeland Security Threat Level Meter. Four designers were asked to express their interpretation of what they think the new alert system should look like and how it should function.

TYPE1_READINGS - Type Classifications & Type Anatomy

These readings come from Elements of Typographic Style by Bringhurst and A Type Primer by John Kane. These texts should help in understanding the different classifications of type as well as their historical significance. The other readings will help with grasping the concepts of Type Anatomy.

To view the reading please visit the ANGEL page corresponding to our class

GD1_READINGS - Principles of Design

Here are selected readings from Wucius Wong's, Principles of Two-Dimensional Design. These readings should help with the 500 project. The subjects of the readings are as follows...


To view the reading please visit the ANGEL page corresponding to our class

Friday, September 11, 2009

Some More Interesting Type Links

Here are some more interesting type links that I find useful. I am a frequent visitor of these sites. Enjoy!

Cheese or Font?

Another interesting find by Andrea Zagata, a student in the Graphic Design 1 Class.

Interesting Typography/Logos

A very interesting typography find by Kristina Moore, a member of
the Typography 1 Class.


TYPE 1_LECTURE 2: Types of Type

This lecture introduced the students to the different parts of letterforms or the anatomy of type as well as type classifications. This lecture was to help them begin a project where they will be studying the nuances and details of several different typefaces. The diagrams used in this lecture were borrowed from Ellen Lupton's Thinking with Type.

To view the lecture please visit the ANGEL page corresponding to our class

GD1_LECTURE 2: Introduction to Symmetry

Now that the students have begun their first long term project and have been sketching their 500 thumbnails. I felt it was a great time to introduce symmetry. This lecture covers the different types of symmetry as well as asymmetry.

To view the lecture please visit the ANGEL page corresponding to our class

TYPE 1_LECTURE 1: What is Typography?

Our first lecture in Typography 1 was an introduction to typography and interesting happenings within the discipline. We were able to study different alphabets, different expressions of type as well as different typefaces. Students were then asked to go into the community and campus to find different examples of typography, which they found interesting. This assignment was to lead into a more detailed look at typography.

To view the lecture please visit the ANGEL page corresponding to our class

GD1_LECTURE 1: Balance, Repetition & Rhythm

Our first class lecture for GD 1 was an introduction to Balance, Repetition and Rhythm. After this lecture the students began work on a project called "the 500" borrowed from the Form and Communications Course at the Rhode Island School of Design. Each student began to sketch 500 thumbnail sketches with the themes of anomaly, balance, contrast, rhythm and texture.

To view the lecture please visit the ANGEL page corresponding to our class


Welcome to the Spartan Graphic Design and Type Blog! This will be a site for students in the Graphic Design 1 and Typography 1 Classes at Michigan State University. My hope is that the students will use this as a forum to post interesting links about graphic design as well as a place to share information about what is going on in our classes.